My pastor, Dr. Leavins, made the title proclamation during his
sermon yesterday morning as one response to the beautiful truth of the Gospel
of the Christ. "Live boldly!" I like that; although those
who know me well would likely be surprised to hear me say this. My life
has hardly been one of someone who likes to take risks. Indeed, in my earlier
days the few times I stuck my neck out always resulted in nearly losing my
head. Consequently, I have developed the oft times annoying habit of over
analyzing things in the hopes of making sure the landing from any possible
outcome would be a smooth one; as you might predict, my plane rarely left
the hanger.
In more recent times, because God has given me a deeper and richer
understanding of His love, and because I see His love so evident in my
beautiful wife, Sara, I have felt more at ease to live boldly--not necessarily
by taking more risks in the traditional sense of the word, but opening myself
up to experiences that in the past would have certainly caused despair or
embarrassment. An example is musical performance.
When Dr. Leavins spoke about living boldly I immediately thought of
a conversation I had had with a colleague about a recent concert he had
performed. He and another colleague performed the first movement of the
Bach double violin concerto. It is a difficult piece, and they did a
wonderful job. However, my friend told me he has played it much better
before and since. "It's just that when you get in front of all those
people...." Boy, could I relate. It dawned on me this morning
that performance anxiety is a perfect metaphor for the kinds of things keeping
us from living boldly; and the solution to performance anxiety is a great
picture of what it is like walking in Christ, which is the beauty of His Gospel.
The best remedy to performance anxiety is to play out. When
we don't play out, usually out of the fear of making a mistake (and I'm
assuming we have prepared well prior to the performance) we actually will make
many mistakes. But the worst mistake we will make is not wrong notes, or
losing our place, or even missed notes, the worst mistake we make when holding
back is sounding unmusical. The audience will forgive a few glitches here
and there if the playing is musical; it is the musicality that carries the
listener into rapture, not technical perfection. The only way to play
musically is to let the music play itself--let it sing, mistakes and all—to play
Now, obviously the best performance is one that is both
technically spot on and beautifully musical. Even though this is true, it
doesn't negate the necessity of playing out. The more times we play out,
the more times are performances will be musical, and therefore the less often we
will make technical errors. Musicality not only moves the audience, it
inspires the performer, also. And this inspiration relaxes the player,
which in turn frees her to remain in full control of both her micro and macro
motor responses, and listen better to intonation in order to make adjustments
practically transparent to the audience. By playing boldly, the performer
does the best justice to the music she is trying to communicate.
God has made it very clear that there is only one way we must live
in order to experience full, meaningful, purposeful, peaceful, and eternal
life. He has also made it clear we will
only find such life in Him. We must surrender ourselves to Him completely if we
want to perfectly play the music He created us to play. The trouble is we
believe we can do it on our own--that we can find this wisdom in ourselves or
in creation. We really cannot do this, so we don't play out; we don't
live boldly. And consequently, we sin and the music we make is discordant
and ugly.
You might argue at this point that most sinful behavior happens
with people who live boldly. It only appears this way. The reason
we don't live boldly for God is because we either are afraid of His punishment
or because we don't care, at all. The former case is like the player who
holds back in fear the audience's wrath; because she believes the audience
expects perfection--especially if they paid for the ticket. And they do.
So, as I said before, she holds back, because she is more concerned with
how she will be received than the music, and therefore almost always disappoints
the listeners.
The other response is to play the way we want and not care, at
all. Yes, we play out; but in order to
be outrageous. We may claim it as art
and free expression, but it is really just as self-serving as the person who
holds back. We titillate and sensationalize
as a cover to our own ineptness, or our own poor self-concept. In short, we act out in fear.
I speak in broad terms here, fully aware of the complexities of
human nature. Nevertheless, people don’t
live boldly, in the sense Dr. Leavins means, out of fear of being exposed as the
charlatans they know themselves deep down to be. This is the tragedy of the fall of
humankind. We all insist we can be our
own gods, and then run in terror at the prospect.
Okay, so what exactly does Dr. Leavins mean by living boldly. To live boldly is to live in freedom. Not freedom as in reckless abandonment; I
have already covered that. No, by
freedom, he means freedom from fear.
This happens when we let ourselves go in Christ—to live boldly so the true
life God has created for our place in the cosmos will bloom and multiply. We live boldly even though well aware of the
perfection God demands, because we know such life is only found in Christ, and
He has proved Himself faithful to fulfill this life in and through us, and has
forgiven our mistakes. It is exactly
like a musician who plays out confidently because she realizes by playing for
the music’s sake, the music ultimately plays itself. And in the same way that when we let the
music play, we actually make less and less technical errors, when we surrender
ourselves to Christ, we find we conform more and more to God’s standard of holy
God’s standards haven’t changed, any more than standards of good
music have. It’s just that when we focus
on the expectations of good music we invariably focus on our own capabilities
and quickly impair ourselves by fear.
And when we focus on the standards of God instead of Christ, we look to
our own resources and fail to meet those standards, every time.
There is a great irony in this we must not miss. When we surrender ourselves completely over
to living in Christ, we don’t lose ourselves.
Quite the contrary, as with music allowed to sing freely, both the
listener and the performer are edified and inspired, when we look to God alone for
life, He gives it back to us, making us participants together with Him, which
is what true life actually is. We are
not lost in Christ, but perfected in Him.
This is what it means to be free in Christ, just as Saint Paul taught
“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand (in this freedom),
then, and don’t again be entangled by the yoke of slavery.” (Gal. 5:1)
This is the beauty of the Gospel of the
Christ. God, because of His unfathomable
love for us, even though we rejected Him, has made it possible for us to be
free from our self-imposed shackles of fear and to finally and truly live
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